A conversation with Gilbert Houngbo : « Finding my own path, without forgetting my roots »

« (I see) positive signs driven by technological advancements, yet if we are not decisive in making sure that we put standards we all abide to, it will be dangerous for workers and societies because, in my mind, there is a direct link between the quality of work, social peace and therefore democracy. »
In this episode, one of our (Re)sources members, Gilbert Houngbo, discusses his personal and professional journey, from his childhood in rural Togo to his time serving as the Prime Minister of Togo from 2008 to 2012, to his current roles as President of IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) and Chair of UN Water. He shares his thoughts on various pressing themes that concern the local and the global, from the future of work to international diplomacy, and social justice.
Gilbert Houngbo was interviewed on March 4th, 2022 by fellow (Re)sources member and UCL Associate Professor in Geography, Tatiana Thieme.
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